Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday Morning Review

Sunday Morning Show is my favorite on television. I love the informative pieces on arts, culture, science, and current events. Time to time I'd like to share my after-show thoughts here. For this particular Sunday a somber tone did emerged from the discussions of swine flu and germs; interesting pieces nonetheless. An art service company was profiled which focused on frame gilding and restoration. I liked the part when the owner manhandled the 24K gold foil to illustrate the fragility of it. An American woman married to a Mexican living in the center of Mexico was interviewed to gauge her fear level during the "Swine Flu" scare. The images of a exotic urban area made me want to travel abroad again. The favorite joke of the time "more Mexicans will die of boredom than the Swine Flu." A gentleman back in 1998 figured out how to reconstruct flu virus of old via lung tissue samples nearing a century. The Fast Draw guys demonstrated how germs are us and we are germs; showing the over Trillion germs in our bodies numbering human cells 10 to 1. Some science writer states humans are like super-organisms considering the amount of foreign bodies that make up the human body. That part amazed me; I mean to think our body is only living due to the other organisms taking me as residence. Marianne Faithful won this weeks Sunday Profile spot and brought to light another star of the sixties roughed up and poured out by addiction now cleaned-up. She is still a beautiful woman and pictures from that time make the case for her reaching Muse status as the girl of Mick Jagger for close to a decade. Her voice is "weathered" as the CBS writers put it; and at times is hard to listen to if it weren't for the glimmers of aesthetic sound that make their way through the hard years. Sunday Passage says good bye to Danny Gans, a impressionist with a striking resemblance to Rocky a la plastic surgery. Finally the lovable Bill Giest dialogs on vending machines deserving gilded frames themselves. He spoke of his time of course stating used to only have, "candy, cokes, and smokes" as options. In a hotel in Miami you can purchase everything from eyelashes, to gold handcuffs, to Bentley vehicles. Another gentleman spoke of his God-given idea to put BBQ Ribs in a vending machine. I was impressed with the hotel and the pizza in 90 second machines and wondered what it must be like to put a 90,000 car on your American Express. The CBS Sunday Morning Moment of Zen showcased beautiful falls and horned animals in Yellow Stone National Park. The roar of the water and the freshness of the morning created a beautiful melody. As always Charles Osgood wished ado and promised to see us on the radio.

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