Friday, April 10, 2009

Lucy in the Sky with Servers?

Well folks Cloud Computing is where its at. From my preliminary analysis cloud computing refers to the use of off-site computing services accessed via the Internet. It can either be Software As A Service (SAAS)in which services like word processing, spreadsheets, picture editors, etc. are provided via a third party site. Hardware As A Service (HAAS) provides things like processing and storage services off-site. Interestingly after talking with an IT guy he reminded me of how a similar situation existed early on with dummy terminals connected to the room sized mammoth computers.

Libraries which do not have the manpower or space to manage burgeoning IT needs will benefit greatly from cloud computing. Services can be streamlined and comparable across libraries. However it will be important for those on the other end to have a good understanding of library values and function; hopefully employing MLIS and MKM graduates to ensure a good fit.

What will be telling is how Open Source services like those offered by Sun will compare to the Microsofts and IBMS of the cloud computing world. Open source is a great way to overcome the digital divide but only if it can offer the same quality services.

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