Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Bizness of Politicking

What's the bizness yeah???? While the politics of politicking can be crazy-making, it's nice to feel like you are taking part in something greater than the everyday.  Even if it's predominately voting for the shadows on the wall, each new election brings a chance to make a difference.  Not sure we've got the best way figured out yet, but at least one can have hope that some day we might.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Brushing off the dust

I'm returning to my blogging roots today.  After a lively conference with inspiring educational leaders I think it's time.  To be honest the reason I have not been blogging consistently the last few years is I've been busy making things happen.  Starting a family and a career is no easy task.  I thought graduate school was difficult.  It prepared me for the non-stop work but it did not prepare me for the never ending challenges of being a full-time professional in addition to being a full-time wife and mother.  Thankfully the payoff is beyond words and each day brings new levels of contentment.  I hope to carry on this blog by sharing my experiences of negotiating life and striving to make a difference at home and in the office.